
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man

          Well ok folks here's the central question I ask you.  Is it to soon for a reboot of this franchise?  Did I want Spidey 4 with Raimi, Maguire, and the gang? Sure, just as long as it was better then Spidey 3.  Emo Peter Parker was just to much for this movie fan/nerd to handle.  Marc Webb said "It's a different universe and a different story with different characters".  Well it felt just like the old one's.  Is that a bad thing?  Well not really, it just felt like a good Spider Man movie.  It didn't in it's completion become a "different universe" as quoted earlier.  The wheel wasn't reinvented in the making of this movie.  That's just fine by me and should be fine to all those who love the Marvel universe.

         The casting of the movie for the most part was great.  Andrew Garfield did a fantastic job as Peter Parker and although at times some of Spideys lines were a bit over dramatic I didn't mind.  Yes his love interest has changed, now Gwen Stacey and that's fine no big deal either.  What matters most is when Garfield/Parker finally puts on the costume he becomes something special, and it becomes a great ride.  In the end isn't that why we go to these damn things?

          So to answer the question I posed in the beginning of this review.  Is it to soon for a reboot?  No not at all!  He's apart of pop culture and apart of ourselves, to deprive our children and there children of such wonderment would be in my eyes sacrilegious.

         Spider Man holds a special place in my heart just like so many others.  Regardless of him being a "super hero" he still seems to always be the underdog.  Everyone can relate to that feeling at some point in time in there life.  If they disagree with that then there lying.   Never giving up and always trying to be a better person makes the human spirit what it is.  It's what makes Spider Man so grounded in reality.  He's a hero, everyone admires one.  Everyones kid dreams of being one, and maybe if we all try hard enough we could all be one ourselves.  That's what a hero does, he inspires.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

AMC to produce zombie tv show that will be created by Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption).  Based on the comic The Walking Dead

Are you rich?  Have enough money to drop over 12 thousand on a grill?  If you are you should check out this grill from the company who makes it.  Kalamazoo

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kermit's X-Ray.  Taking it easy after that last post. 

If you didn't think the world was filled with mostly idiots here is your proof.  4,000 people were asked in a study of what they thought were the most important inventions of all time.  iPhone was number 8, I have lost hope in humanity. Read the full list here

Remember when you were younger and you had a tree house?  I bet it wasn't as awesome as this one.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If you haven't yet seen Tom Hardy's portrayal of prison inmate Charlie Bronson you should check it out.  Very intense film about the most brutal and famous inmate incarcerated in the United Kingdom during the 70's and 80's. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Steven Spielberg produced, JJ Abrams directed secret movie Super 8 trailer here. Watch until your eyes bleed, and no it has nothing to do with Cloverfield 2.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Donald Glover plays Troy of NBC'S Community. He has a mixtape out under the name Childish Gambino. Link here.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is something I saw way back when and feel like now the masses are ready for. This shit is real and well lets just say badass.