
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Yes this happened. So if i'm on my bike peddling down the road and happen to come across two men stealing a scooter what would be my plan of attack? Perhaps this?

In the new world of cyber terrorism and John McClain putting his foot down I bring you the first Facebook fugitive. You can read on following this link here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

I hate people who talk during movies and apparently so does David Duchovny.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The really great director who likes to play around with thirteen year old girls at Jack Nicholson's house is out of jail and on house arrest. I'm not sure what else to say...he did make Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby? Nope he likes kids...I do like Chinatown though, just saying.

Here is an article about it if you are interested.

This is a email conversation between two guys about a business proposition that is absolutely something you should read. Funny stuff so click here to read on.

20 People With Extremely Unfortunate Names | Content

Had to post this. Poor damn guy.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Uncrate | The Buyer's Guide For Men

This looks pretty cool so thought I would let the two people who read my blog to know that this book and I my self are real.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

The Raw Feed

Just in case you didn't get to see whatever late show this was on last night, here it is. A Chinese re-enactment of EXACTLY what happened to Tiger Woods on that fateful night. Hilariousness ensues.

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The Bone-Chilling Sound of the Planets Won't Let You Sleep Tonight - Planets sound - Gizmodo

Hey you! Stop scaring me plant! This is the sound that a planet makes from outer space. The electromagnetic waves were caught by Voyager 1 and 2 while it went past Jupiter.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just in case you haven't heard of the show Hoarders on A@E here it is. Jesus people.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If Blockbuster Films Had Been Made for $50

Funny picture. I smirked and laughed for exactly eight seconds.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Caution: Facebook poking could cost you jail time - Networking

So I should stop annoying that girl I went to High School with on Facebook? This doesen't seem fair. Whatever, follow the link below for the article. I'm kidding about the girl thing, I don't have Facebook.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Uncrate | The Buyer's Guide For Men

There pretty far off at this point but hey! We all like beer right? Beer can allow you to do all sorts of fun things you wouldn't do otherwise. Perhaps it will give you the balls to go up to that waaaayyy out of your league woman at the bar, or join in on tipping a car over in a restaurant parking lot after a long night of boozing...uhh ignore that last part. That never happened.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Canadian parents win court battle against homework | World news |

Usually it is the children, not the parents, who are loath to spend their evenings practising spelling and learning times tables. But a Canadian couple have just won a legal battle to exempt their offspring from homework after successfully arguing there is no clear evidence it improves academic performance.

Sherri and Tom Milley, two lawyers from Calgary, Alberta, launched their highly unusual case after years of struggling to make their three reluctant children do school work out of the classroom.

After waging a long war with their eldest son, Jay, now 18, over his homework, they decided to do things differently with their youngest two, Spencer, 11, and Brittany, 10. And being lawyers, they decided to make it official.

It took two years to negotiate the Milleys' Differentiated Homework Plan, which ensures their youngest two children will never have to do homework again at their current school. The two-page plan, signed by the children, parents and teachers, stipulates that "homework will not be used as a form of evaluation for the children". In return, the pupils promise to get their work done in class, to come to school prepared, and to revise for tests. They must also read daily and practise their musical instruments at home.

"It was a constant homework battle every night," Sherri told Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper. "It's hard to get a weeping child to take in math problems. They are tired. They shouldn't be working a second shift."

"Why were we putting our family through that stress?" she wondered. "If we don't want it all, we shouldn't have to have it."

Two years ago, Sherri began collecting studies on homework, most of which suggest that, particularly for younger grades, there is no clear link between work at home and school performance. Working with the staff at St Brigid Elementary Junior High School, she formed a homework committee. When no firm changes resulted from the committee, the couple began negotiating the legal document that decided the matter.

"We think it's a parent's right to choose what's in our children's best interests," said Sherri. "But we're thankful the school did the right thing."

I really wish I complained more when I was younger. This sucks!

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Walmart Black Friday 2009 ads show early deals - Nov. 17, 2009

Great deals. Worth getting trampled by an overweight woman stampeding through the the front door at five in the morning? I'm just not sure.

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Your Neighbors Have a Message For You [Pic] | I Am Bored

Stop trying to steal my internets!

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cold Day In Hell: Fox News' Sean Hannity Apologizes To Jon Stewart | TPM LiveWire

Hannity and Stewart still going at it. Wait, wait just one moment, wow. Cold day in hell for Fox News. Epic win for people who like trees and healthcare.

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What the hell is this?

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Is 'The Fourth Kind' Real or Another 'Blair Witch' Fake Out? – Movie News, Trailers, Reviews and More

Wait! What? A Milla Jovovich movie that is totally ridiculous? Are they trying to tell me there are no aliens in Alaska? Please stop I can't take this barrage of truth any longer. I will be watching the entire Jovovich catalog in alphabetical order for the rest of the week.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog - The Tyranny of E-mail: John Freeman

Don't send so many emails? Try writing letters and physically putting stamps on them you say? It's sensual to mail letters you say? The urge to reply to every message and to reply to the reply is an addiction? What is this trickery you bestow to us the masses?

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Christopher Walken Poker Face Halloween

Christopher Walken speaking lyrics to the Lady Gaga song Poker Face, enough said.

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Now you know why you can never find a functional shopping cart at your local grocery store.

Uncrate | The Buyer's Guide For Men

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice with zombies? This is a winning combination no matter how you look at it and for only 11 bucks. Or if you would like to go old school here is the Jane Austen novel.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Stewart mocks Hannity for inflating Bachmann rally attendance, trying to pass 9-12 rally footage off as Bachmann rally footage | Media Matters for America

Please upgrade your flash player. The video for this item requires a newer version of Flash Player. If you are unable to install flash you can download a QuickTime version of the video.

Fox News, when will you ever learn that nothing escapes Stewart. Well done Hannity, well done indeed.

Posted via web from John Muchel's Blog

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Uncrate | The Buyer's Guide For Men

Just another thing the Iphone can do. For a price.

Posted via web from John Muchel's Blog


The New York Times just went on to say that the 240 million dollar 3D movie by James Cameron actually cost the studio 500 million!  This movie cost half a BILLION dollars to make?  It just goes to show how much trust is given to a filmmaker like Cameron.  The critics are coming out of the woodwork for this one, it is almost impossible for this movie to live up the price tag it took to make it.  Will it be as good as the fanboys believe it to be? Or will it just be another Phantom Menace?  Your thoughts?


Let me know what you think.

Avatar(genius, next generation of filmmaking?) or just a bad movie that cost too much.

Posted via email from John Muchel's Blog

Here is a link the the official site so you can see for yourself.