
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Yes this happened. So if i'm on my bike peddling down the road and happen to come across two men stealing a scooter what would be my plan of attack? Perhaps this?

In the new world of cyber terrorism and John McClain putting his foot down I bring you the first Facebook fugitive. You can read on following this link here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

I hate people who talk during movies and apparently so does David Duchovny.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The really great director who likes to play around with thirteen year old girls at Jack Nicholson's house is out of jail and on house arrest. I'm not sure what else to say...he did make Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby? Nope he likes kids...I do like Chinatown though, just saying.

Here is an article about it if you are interested.

This is a email conversation between two guys about a business proposition that is absolutely something you should read. Funny stuff so click here to read on.

20 People With Extremely Unfortunate Names | Content

Had to post this. Poor damn guy.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

Uncrate | The Buyer's Guide For Men

This looks pretty cool so thought I would let the two people who read my blog to know that this book and I my self are real.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

The Raw Feed

Just in case you didn't get to see whatever late show this was on last night, here it is. A Chinese re-enactment of EXACTLY what happened to Tiger Woods on that fateful night. Hilariousness ensues.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog

The Bone-Chilling Sound of the Planets Won't Let You Sleep Tonight - Planets sound - Gizmodo

Hey you! Stop scaring me plant! This is the sound that a planet makes from outer space. The electromagnetic waves were caught by Voyager 1 and 2 while it went past Jupiter.

Posted via web from Moosh's Blog